Wellbeing Centre

You spend a large portion of your week in school. That’s why health and wellbeing must be a central focus for LJFS. Wellbeing covers everything from mental health, safeguarding, a healthy lifestyle, being active and the overall happiness of a you — all of these need to be a priority for us.

Please take a look at our strategic plan to see how we are planning to meet the needs of our young people and staff members.


So what do we do?

  1. We understand that everyone is different
  2.  We identify people that need extra support
  3. We look to take care of you beyond the school gates
  4. We work to put a stop to bullying
  5. We are improving the school environment
  6. . We support you living a healthy and active lifestyle

If you need to talk, need some space, let our Senior Mental Health Lead: Mr. Musgrove know, he will create that time and space you need, a cup of tea is always of offer.

Have a look here at Young minds, there is lots of information, help and wellbeing tool kits. There are some great video resources to really help and support.


If you need some extra help that you feel school cant help with, have a look here.

Mind is an organisation which helps young people, click here to visit the website

There is also some information for young people and parents on the NHS website, click here to visit.

Always get in touch if you need help or support, we will always prioritise the wellbeing of the people of our community.


If you need more help and want to read on further, have a click  below on one of the mini help guides on a number of topics.